130001 - Code Creator
With increased popularity of programming competitions, there are so many online judges where contestants can practice. Usually, most of these sites allow users to submit solutions to problems and if they are accepted, the users total number of solved is increased. To increase competition among users, these sites maintain a ranking of users based on the total number of solves. Unfortunately, this at times has introduced unhealthy competition among some users. A lot of the problems at these sites are collected from external sites, and the online judge uses data file directly from these external sites. This means, for certain problem, one is only required to submit the output file to get a problem accepted, without solving the problem at all. Just out of curiosity, you try to investigate how many of these problems are actually using judge data from the external site. To accelerate your investigation, you want to automate the process of creating codes that will submit judge data only. In this problem, you are required to make such a code generator.
对于每个样例,以一个正整数N (N<100)开始。接下来的N行,每一行包含最少1个最多100个字符。输入字符由字母、数字、空格、反斜杠和引号组成。N为0表示输入结束。
每个样例都将以样例编号开头,格式为“Case x:”,其中x是案例编号。
int main()
<case specific lines>
return 0;
<case specific lines>将包含N行,每行的格式为:printf("< line >\n"); 其中<line>是为对应行输入的输入值。注意,两个引号“”和反斜杠“\”必须用“\”转义,才能由printf显示。
2 "I like to solve" I do not like to code 1 yeah accepted 0
Case 1: #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("\"I like to solve\"\n"); printf("I do not like to code\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } Case 2: #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("yeah accepted\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; }